Physics - SA

  1. Alternating Current
  2. Current Electricity
  3. Electromagnetic Induction
  4. Electrostatics
  5. Gravity
  6. Kinematics
  7. Laws of motion
  8. Magnetic effects of current
  9. Physical-world and measurement
  10. Reflection of light
  11. Refraction
  12. Source of energy
  13. Thermodynamics
  14. Work, energy and power

Physics - SX

  1. Alternating current
  2. Calorimetry and thermal expansion
  3. Capacitance
  4. Centre of mass
  5. Circular Motion
  6. Current electricityf
  7. Elasticity and viscosity
  8. Electromagnetic induction
  9. Electromagnetic waves
  10. Electrostatics
  11. Fluid mechanics
  12. Friction
  13. Geometrical optics
  14. Gravitation
  15. Heat transfer
  16. Kinetic theory of gases and thermodynamics
  17. Magnetic effect of current & magnetic force on charge or current
  18. Measurement error and experiment
  19. Modern physics-I
  20. Newton’s law of motion
  21. Nuclear physics
  22. Projectile motion
  23. Rectilinear motion
  24. Relative motion
  25. Rigid body dynamics
  26. Simple harmonic motion
  27. Sound waves
  28. Surface Tension
  29. Unit and dimension
  30. Wave on a string
  31. Wave optics
  32. Work, Power and Energy